The City of Oak Ridge Police Department was founded in July of 2017 and began active patrol in November of 2017. The police department, with the continued assistance of the Kaufman County Sheriff's Office and the Texas DPS, are responsible for patrol and investigative functions within the City of Oak Ridge.

We extend a big thanks to the Kaufman County Sheriff's Office, Kaufman Police Department and Terrell Police Department for all they have done and continue to do in order to assist

Chief of Police:
Bill Weatherly

Assistant Chief: 
Mark Markulec

Clell Murray


Kristie Bint
George Zamora
Al Giraldo
Charles Matthews

Stephen Meinke
Ross Jefferson
Michael Loesch
Mario Guevera

  • The mission of the Oak Ridge Police Department is to reduce and prevent future crime through effective community policing.

    The purpose of modern law enforcement is to serve and protect the community in which it serves, but also to educate, communicate with and work together with all stakeholders of the City of Oak Ridge. The reduction and prevention of crime come through cooperation with citizens and the proper training of the police which ensures the City of Oak Ridge is a save place to live, work and visit.

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  • The Oak Ridge Police Department's vision is to provide effective and efficient police services to our citizens, in the most professional and courteous manner possible by tailoring our manifold operations to meet the needs and expectations of our community.


    • We will maintain the highest level of integrity.
    • We will engage in open honest communication.
    • We will treat all persons with compassion, respect and dignity.
    • We will be self-critical and accountable for our commitments and results.
    • We will always seek to provide the highest quality of service.
    • We will preserve and safeguard individual rights and liberties.

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Office:  (972) 551-0345
Mobile:  (430) 292-5305 (non-emergency/on call)

After hours non-emergency call the Kaufman County Sheriff Office:      972-932-4337 (After hours are 5pm - 6am 7 Days a week)



In August of 2018, the City Oak Ridge Police Department in conjunction with Tier One US in response to a Governors initiative, initiated Operation Safe Schools. With the sole purpose of protecting children in schools, especially those schools that cannot afford their own police department.  The concept is simple, place police officers in schools to protect the lives of the children and give them a safe environment to learn. Not only do our officers protect the students but they become mentors and teachers in life’s lessons as well as allow students to interact with a police officer at a very early age.  In fulfilling this endeavor, the City of Oak Ridge Police Department hires mostly veteran officers with an extensive history in policing.  Many of them are retired but still want to protect and help the communities.  Their skills cover the complete range of policing, including patrol, field training, detectives, tactical officers, gang specialists, hostage negotiators, as well as many have many years in police management covering building security, incident command and emergency management communications.  All of the officers employed to work are SBLE (School Based Law Enforcement) trained, receive constant training in active shooter, ALERRT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) and are certified first responders/stop the bleed certified and the application and use of NARCAN along with other specialized training.

Since the inception of the idea, the City Oak Ridge Police Officers, have worked in numerous school districts, both public and private in the DFW Metroplex and Harris County areas.  When schools look at the cost to start and maintain their own police department, schools need other reliable alternatives to keep their schools safe.  Working with the City Oak Ridge Police Department, our officers give schools that needed option.  


Personal History Statement:  Contact the Oak Ridge Police Deptartment 

Background Waiver Letter:  Contact the Oak Ridge Police Department

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